Provider Support
A range of support is available to all of the providers delivering activities across our programs. This includes signposting to free training and resources as well as dedicated support from Actio Consortium partners, Energize Shropshire Telford & Wrekin.
As part of our support offer we will be working with providers to explore the expansion of the All In Short Breaks membership, increasing provision across both children's and adults offers, and looking at attracting additional funding to support providers further. We want to support collaborative working for our providers, and we will host a range of face to face and virtual meetings and opportunities to offer topic specific support and training where appropriate.
Providers will have access to training advice, support, and guidance, as well as a dedicated team with specialist knowledge of the SEND, sports, arts, and community participation sectors. Please explore the support available and get in touch of you have any questions or support needs.
Links to platforms, opportunities, and useful training and learning offers available locally, regionally, and nationally.
We have created our own resources and templates for families and providers to use, as well as collated some other useful ones to be aware of.
If you have a contract or formal arrangement in place with Actio you will find further information and help here.
Marketing & Communications Support
Want support with your marketing, communications, or engaging with the SEND community? You will find more help and guidance here.